Kit Millais

Performer · Band Leader · Educator

Filtering by: Solo Music

16 hrs Music Marathon for Our Firefighters
7:00 AM07:00

16 hrs Music Marathon for Our Firefighters

The bushfires in Australia have devastated our land and communities. Our firefighters have faced, and are still facing, countless hours of fighting fires as they battle to protect homes, properties, native forests and animals. This fundraiser is a tribute to their endurance, resilience and strength, in the form of a music marathon.

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Music of the Night | Trombone Recital
11:00 AM11:00

Music of the Night | Trombone Recital

Kit Millais presents Music of the Night, a solo trombone recital. The romantic style of Jongen, Ferro, and Tomasi showcases the broad lyricism of the trombone. The baroque and commerical style of Marcello and Pederson display the dexterity possible and the contemporary music of Jacob TV's and Greenbaum's provides a refreshing soundscape that shows the future of musical expression.

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